$OPTFMO group (relevant if RUNTYP=OPTFMO)
This group controls the search for stationary points
using optimizers developed for the Fragment Molecular
Orbital (FMO) method. There is no restriction on the number
of atoms in the molecule, whereas optimising FMO with
standard optimizers (RUNTYP=OPTIMIZE) has a restriction to
2000 atoms (unless you rebuild your GAMESS appropriately).
OPTFMO runs may be restarted by providing the updated
coordinates in $FMOXYZ and, optionally, optimization
restart data (punched out for each step) in $OPTRST (the
data differs for each method).
METHOD = optimization method
STEEP steepest descent
CG conjugate gradient
LBFGS approximate BFGS numeric updates of the
inverse Hessian, that do not require
explicitly storing that matrix.
HSSUPD numeric updates of the inverse Hessian
Default: HSSUPD.
HESS = initial inverse Hessian for METHOD=HSSUPD
GUESS diagonal guess of 3
READ read from F38 (advanced option)
Default: GUESS.
UPDATE = inverse Hessian update scheme for METHOD=HSSUPD
BFGS Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno
DFP Davidon-Fletcher-Powell
Default: BFGS.
OPTTOL = gradient convergence tolerance, in Hartree/Bohr.
Convergence of a geometry search requires the
largest component of the gradient to be less
than OPTTOL, and the root mean square gradient
less than 1/3 of OPTTOL. (default=0.0001)
NSTEP = maximum number of steps to take. Restart data
are punched at each step. (default=200)
IFREEZ = array of coords to freeze during optimization.
The usage is the same as for the similar option in
IACTAT = array of active (not frozen) atoms in geometry
optimizations, see $STATPT for its description.
IACTAT(1)=-1 has a special meaning: freeze all
atoms during a cell optimization with PBC.
Note that in reality only fractional coordinates
of atoms are frozen, and the absolute values of
coordinates do change.
STEP = initial step factor. This multiplies the gradient
to prevent large steps. The values of 0.1-0.2 are
considered useful in the vicinity of minimum, and
0.5-1.0 is probably OK at the start. (default: 1)
STPMIN = the minimum permitted value of dynamically chosen
STEP size (see STPFAC). (default: 0)
STPMAX = the maximum permitted value of dynamically chosen
STEP size (see STPFAC). (default: 1)
STPFAC = Dynamic adjustment of STEP. If the energy goes
down considerably, the new STEP is set to the old
STEP multiplied by 1/STPFAC, if the energy goes up
significantly, STEP is set to STEP*STPFAC, both
constrained by STPMIN and STPMAX. The default is
1, which means do not use dynamic adjustment. The
value 0.9 may be useful if dynamically adjusted
steps are desired.
NPRICO = Print coordinates every NPRICO optimization steps
to reduce the output file.
(default: 1)
IREST = 0 do not write restart data
1 the opposite
The "restart data" are internal arrays needed for
optimization (excluding the coordinates).
(default: 0)
NFGD = the number of fragments, must be the same as NFRAG
in $FMO. For technical reasons, must be set here
redundantly if using DDI storage of F40, for example,
if MODIO=3072 is set or if MODPAR=512/1024 in $FMOPRP.
A job will be aborted if NFGD is too small.
(default: 0)
MAXNAT = the maximum number of atoms per fragment (including
extra boundary atoms). If set, one file will be
replaced by operations in memory (DFTB only).
It is permissible to use an upper bound, if one is too
lazy to count exactly.
(default: 0)
100 lines are written.
Edited by Shiro KOSEKI on Tue May 17 15:19:38 2022.