$CCINP group (optional, relevant for any CCTYP)
This group controls a coupled-cluster calculation
specified by CCTYP in $CONTRL. The reference orbitals may
be RHF or high spin ROHF. If this group is not given, as is
often the case, only valence electrons are correlated.
Several ground state CCTYP choices obey at least a few of
the keywords from $EOMINP, so please see that group too.
Excited-state runs, such as CCTYP=EOM-CCSD, CR-EOM, or
CR-EOML, read $CCINP to define orbital ranges for the ground
state CCSD prior to generating excitations under $EOMINP's
A number of CCTYP choices have been superceded by more
advanced or improved approaches. For example, R-CC and
CR-CC were developed prior to their CR-CCL replacement,
while CR-EOML supersedes CR-EOM. CR-CCL provides an
accurate approximation to the fully iterative CCSDT method,
superior to the widely used CCSD(T), especially in bond
breaking situations. If it is important to account for the
coupling of singly, doubly, and triply excited clusters,
which noniterative corrections to CCSD neglect, or if a
highly accurate representation of full CCSDT energetics is
desired, it is best to use the CCT3 approach. If one is
interested in methods with up to connected triple
excitations, the most reasonable choices are:
RHF ROHF (high spin)
--- ----------------
ground states [properties]:
CCSD(T) n/a
excited states [properties]:
electron-attached and ionized states:
EA-EOM2 not recommended
IP-EOM2 not recommended
EA-EOM3A not recommended
IP-EOM3A not recommended
CR-CCL = CCSD + left-CCSD + CR-CC(2,3) triples corrections.
CCSD3A = Active-space CCSDt calculation. When all orbitals
are active, CCSDt becomes CCSDT.
CCT3 = CCSDt + CC(P;Q)-based moment correction due to a
subset of triples missing in CCSDt.
CR-EOML = EOM-CCSD + left-EOM-CCSD + CR-EOMCC(2,3) triples
corrections (CR-EOMCCSD(T) corrections are printed
as well).
EA-EOM3A = EA-EOMCCSD(3p2h) calculation with an active space
treatment of 3p2h excitations.
IP-EOM3A = IP-EOMCCSD(3h2p) calculation with an active space
treatment of 3h2p excitations.
When reading CR-EOM and CR-EOML outputs, it is recommended
to focus on DELTA-CR-EOMCCSD(T) excitation energies and
size-intensivity corrected delta-CR-EOMCC(2,3) total and
excitation energies.
Parallel computation using DDI is possible for RHF
references only and only for CCTYP=CCSD or CCSD(T). Memory
use in parallel runs is exotic: use EXETYP=CHECK with PARALL
in $SYSTEM set on prints the per node memory requirements.
See the "Further Information" section of this manual
for more details about coupled-cluster runs.
**** The first six pertain to both RHF and ROHF ****
NCORE = gives the number of frozen core orbitals to be
omitted from the CC calculation. The default
is the number of chemical core orbitals.
NFZV = the number of frozen virtual orbitals to be
omitted from the calculation. (default is 0)
MAXCC = defines the maximum number of CCSD (or LCCD, CCD)
iterations. This parameter also applies to ROHF's
left CC vector solver, but not RHF's left vector.
See MAXCCL for RHF. (default=30 for LCCD, CCD,
and CCSD, and 50 for CCSD3A)
ICONV = defines the convergence criterion for the cluster
amplitudes, as 10**(-ICONV). The ROHF reference
also uses this for its left eigenstate solver, but
see CVGEOM in $EOMINP for RHF references.
(default is 7, but it tightens to 8 for FMO-CC.)
NACTO = number of active occupied orbitals to be used
in CCSDt (CCTYP=CCSD3A) and CC(t;3) (CCTYP=CCT3)
calculations. This number corresponds to the beta
active occupied orbitals. The alpha active
occupied orbitals are automatically calculated
according to the formula (MULT - 1) + NACTO.
NACTU = number of active unoccupied orbitals to be used
in CCSDt (CCTYP=CCSD3A) and CC(t;3) (CCTYP=CCT3)
calculations. This number corresponds to the alpha
active unnocupied orbitals. The beta active
unoccupied orbitals are automatically calculated
according to the formula (MULT - 1) + NACTU.
**** the next group pertains to RHF reference only ****
CCPRP = a flag to select computation of the CCSD level
ground state density matrix (see also CCPRPE in
$EOMINP for EOM-CCSD level excited states). The
computation takes significant extra time, to
obtain left eigenstates, so the default is .FALSE.
except for CCTYP=CR-CCL or CR-EOML, where the work
required for properties must be done anyway.
This keyword is only available in serial runs.
Notes: CCSD is the only level at which properties can be
obtained. Therefore this option can only be chosen for
run requesting CCPRP=.TRUE. will internally change itself to
EOM-CCSD to run the left CCSD, but since NSTATE of $EOMINP
will still be zero, this remains a ground state calculation.
Note that the convergence criterion for left eigenstates is
CVGEOM in $EOMINP, which is set to obtain excitation
energies, and may need tightening. There is little reason
to select any of these:
MAXCCL = iteration limit on the left eigenstate needed by
CCSD properties, or CR-CCL energies.
This is just a synonym for MAXEOM in $EOMINP.
If you want to alter the left state's convergence
tolerance, use CVGEOM in $EOMINP. The right CCSD
state's convergence is set by MAXCC and ICONV.
NWORD = a limit on memory to be used in the CC steps.
The default is 0, meaning all memory available
will be used. Note: This variable is not used by
IREST = defines the restart option. If the value of IREST
is greater or equal 3, program will restart from
the earlier CC run. This requires saving the disk
file CCREST from the previous CC run. Values of
IREST between 0 and 3 should not be used. In
general, the value of IREST is used by the program
to set the iteration counter in the restarted run.
The default is 0, meaning no restart is attempted.
IREST does not apply to CCSD3A and CCT3 runs using
SCFTYP=RHF, which are automatically redirected to
SCFTYP=ROHF as long as SCFTYP=RHF and MULT=1. The
CCSD3A and CCT3 runs are controlled by KREST and
LREST options described below, independent of
MXDIIS = defines the number of cluster amplitude vectors
from previous iterations to be included in the
DIIS extrapolation during the CCSD (or LCCD, CCD)
iterative process. The default value of MXDIIS is
5 for all but small problems. The DIIS solver can
be disengaged by entering MXDIIS = 0. It is not
necessary to change the default value of MXDIIS,
unless the CC equations do not converge in spite
of increasing the value of MAXCC. MXDIIS does not
apply to CCSD3A iterations.
AMPTSH = defines a threshold for eliminating small cluster
amplitudes from the CC calculations. Amplitudes
with absolute values smaller than AMPTSH are set
to zero. The default is to retain all small
amplitudes, meaning fully accurate CC iterations.
Default = 0.0. AMPTSH does not apply to CCSD3A
CCERI = defines whether or not a tensor decomposition
technique should be applied to the two-electron
repulsion integrals (2ERIs) for CC calculations.
= STANDARD, no tensor decomposition, the standard
4-center 2ERIs are used (default).
= RI, the resolution-of-the-identity approximation
is employed and the 4-center 2ERIs are assembled
as products of 3-center RI integrals on the fly.
The RI approximation largely eliminates memory
bottlenecks of CC calculations and offers a better
parallel scaling and CPU usage.
Don't forget to see also the $RICC input group for
additional parameters.
**** the next group pertains to ROHF reference only ****
There is little reason to select any of these.
MULT = spin multiplicity to use in the reference
determinant during the CC computation. The value
of MULT given in the $CONTRL input determines the
spin state for the ROHF orbital optimization, and
is the default for the CC. It would be quite
unusual to use a different spin in the SCF than in
the CC. The MULT keyword in $EOMINP is of greater
physical interest.
IOPMET = method for the CR-CC(2,3) triples correction.
= 0 means try 1 and then try 2 (default)
= 1, the high memory option
This option uses the most memory, but the least
disk storage and the least CPU time.
= 2, the high disk option
This option uses least memory, by storing a large
disk file. Time is slightly more than IOPMET=1,
but the disk file is (NO**3 * NU**3)/6 words,
where NO = correlated orbitals, and NU= virtuals.
= 3, the high I/O option
This option requires slightly more memory than 2,
and slightly more disk than 1, but does much I/O.
It is also the slowest of the three choices.
Check runs will print memory needed by all three options.
KREST = 0 fresh start of the CCSD or CCSDt iterations
= 1 restart from AMPROCC ($JOB.F70) file of a
previous CCSD run, or from $JOB.MOE file of a
previous CCSDt run when CCTYP=CCSD3A or CCT3.
KMICRO = n performs DIIS extrapolation of the open shell
CCSD, every n iterations (default is 6)
Enter 0 to avoid using the DIIS converger.
LREST = 0 fresh start of the left CCSD iterations, or
the left CCSD-like iterations using singly
and doubly excited cluster amplitudes obtained
in CCSDt calculations when CCTYP=CCT3 (default)
= 1 restart from AMPROCC ($JOB.F70) file of a
previous left CCSD (CCTYP=CR-CCL) or left
CCSD-like (CCTYP=CCT3) run.
LREST=1 must be combined with KREST=1.
LMICRO = n performs DIIS extrapolation of the open shell
left equations, every n iterations (default is 5)
Enter 0 to avoid using the DIIS converger.
KMICRO and LMICRO are ignored for trivial
problem sizes.
**** The IOSIZE input parameter applies to all CC ****
IOSIZE = n enables "chunking" of direct access I/O during
CC computations. The direct access (DA) record
size of several scratch files generated during CC
computations can become quite large, but many
compilers will not permit DA record lengths in excess
of 2GB. If the record size L of a DA file exceeds n,
then each record will be written to/read from disk
in multiple chunks, each of which is at most n bytes
in length. For example, if the logical record length
L = 2,400,000,000 and n = 1,000,000,000, then each
logical record will be processed in 3 chunks, with
respective record lengths of 10^9, 10^9, and 4^8 bytes,
thereby avoiding the 2GB record length limit.
= 0 disables I/O chunking (default.)
An exetyp=check job with iosize=0 will indicate if
chunking needs to be enabled and will also list
recommended values of n.
271 lines are written.
Edited by Shiro KOSEKI on Tue May 17 15:19:38 2022.