$VIB group   (relevant for RUNTYP=HESSIAN, METHOD=SEMINUM)
    Formatted restart data, consisting of energies,
gradients, and dipole moments.  This data is read in the
same format by which is was written to the RESTART file.
Just add a " $END" card, and place this group into the
input file to effect a restart.  If the final
displacement's gradient was written as zero, delete the
entire last data set (energy, gradient, and dipole).
    In case the numerical hessian was run in groups (see
$GDDI), the $VIB entries will be out of order.  The
unsorted data can be read back in, if and only if the new
run is also using processor groups.  Note that assembling a
complete $VIB could be sent to one core in one group, but
use NGROUP=1 to make it look like a "group run".
    This group can be used to turn a less accurate single
differencing run into a more accurate double differencing
run (NVIB in $HESS).
    The mere presence of this group triggers the restart.
24 lines are written.
Edited by Shiro KOSEKI on Thu Mar 5 10:25:38 2020.