$TRURST group    (optional, relevant if RUNTYP=TRUDGE)
      This  group  specifies restart parameters for TRUDGE
runs and accuracy thresholds.
KSTART indicates the conjugate gradient direction in which
the optimization will proceed. ( default = -1 )
     -1 .... indicates that this is a non-restart run.
      0 .... corresponds to a restart run.
FNOISE accuracy of function values.
Variation smaller than FNOISE are not considered to be
significant (Def. 0.0005)
TOLF accuracy required of the function (Def. 0.001)
TOLR accuracy required of conjugate directions (Def. 0.05)
    For geometry optimization, the values which give
better results (closer to the ones obtained with gradient
methods) are:  TOLF=0.0001, TOLR=0.001, FNOISE=0.00001
27 lines are written.
Edited by Shiro KOSEKI on Thu Mar 5 10:25:38 2020.