$TRANST group          (relevant for RUNTYP=TRANSITN)
                       (only for CITYP=GUGA or MPLEVL=2)
    This group controls the evaluation of the radiative
transition moment, or spin orbit coupling (SOC).  An SOC
calculation can be based on variational CI wavefunctions,
using GUGA CSFs, or based on 2nd order perturbation theory
using the MCQDPT multireference perturbation theory.
These are termed SO-CI and SO-MCQDPT below.  The orbitals
are typically obtained by MCSCF computations, and since
the CI or MCQDPT wavefunctions are based on those MCSCF
states, the zero-th order states are referred to below as
the CAS-CI states.  SOC jobs prepare a model Hamiltonian
in the CAS-CI basis, and diagonalize it to produce spin-
mixed states, which are linear combinations of the CAS-CI
states.  If scalar relativistic corrections were included
in the underlying spin-free wavefunctions, it is possible
either to include or to neglect similar corrections to the
spin-orbit integrals, see keyword NESOC in $RELWFN.
    An input file to perform SO-CI will contain
while a SO-MCQDPT calculation will have
The SOC job will compute a Hamiltonian matrix as the sum
of spin-free terms and spin-orbit terms, H = H-sf + H-so.
For SO-CI, the matrix H-sf is diagonal in the CAS-CI state
basis, with the LS-coupled CAS-CI energies as the diagonal
elements, and H-so contains only off-diagonal couplings
between these LS states,
    H-sf = CAS-CI spin-free E
    H-so = CAS SOC Hamiltonian (e.g. HSO1, HSO2P, HSO2)
For SO-MCQDPT, the additional input PARMP defines these
matrices differently.  For PARMP=0, the spin-free term
has diagonal and off-diagonal MCQDPT perturbations:
    H-sf - CAS-CI spin-free E + 2nd order spin-free MCQDPT
    H-so - CAS SOC Hamiltonian
For PARMP not equal to 0, the spin orbit operator is also
included into the perturbing Hamiltonian of the MCQDPT:
    H-sf - CAS-CI spin-free E + 2nd order spin-free MCQDPT
    H-so - CAS SOC Hamiltonian + 2nd order SO-MCQDPT
    Pure transition moment calculations (OPERAT=DM) are
presently limited to CI wavefunctions, so please use only
CITYP=GUGA MPLEVL=0.  The transition moments computed by
SO-MCQDPT runs (see TMOMNT flag) will form the transition
density for the CAS-CI zeroth order states rather than the
1st order perturbed wavefunctions.
    Please see REFS.DOC for additional information on what
is actually a fairly complex input file to prepare.
OPERAT selects the type of transition being computed.
       = DM      calculates radiative transition moment
                 between states of same spin, using
                 the dipole moment operator. (default)
       = HSO1    one-electron Spin-Orbit Coupling (SOC)
       = HSO2P   partial two electron and full 1e- SOC,
                 namely core-active 2e- contributions are
                 computed, but active-active 2e- terms
                 are ignored.  This generally captures
                 >90% of the full HSO2 computation, but
                 with spin-orbit matrix element time
                 similar to the HSO1 calculation.
       = HSO2    one and two-electron SOC, this is the
                 full Pauli-Breit operator.
       = HSO2FF  one and two-electron SOC, the form factor
                 method gives the same result as HSO2, but
                 is more efficient in the case of small
                 active spaces, small numbers of CAS-CI
                 states, and large atomic basis sets.
                 This final option applies only to SO-CI.
PARMP  = controls inclusion of the SOC terms in SO-MCQDPT,
         for OPERAT=HSO1 (default=1) or for HSO2P/HSO2
         (default=3) only.
         0 - no SOC terms should be included in the MCQDPT
             corrections at 2nd order, but they will be
             included in the CAS states on which the MCQDPT
             (i.e. up to 1st order)
         1 - include the 1e- SOC perturbation in MCQDPT
        -1 - defined under "3", read on...
         3 - full 1-electron and partial 2-electron in the
             form of the mean field perturbation (this is
             very similar to HSO2P, but in the MCQDPT2
             perturbation).  Only doubly occupied orbitals
             (NMODOC) are used for the core 2e terms.
             If the option is set to -1, then all core
             orbitals (NMOFZC+NMODOC) are used.  Neither
             calculation includes extra diagrams including
             filled orbitals, so both are "partial".
PARMP=3 (or -1) has almost no extra cost compared to
PARMP=1, but can only be used with OPERAT=HSO2 or HSO2P.
The options -1 and 3 are not rigorously justified, contrary
to HOS2P for a SO-CI, as 2e integrals with 2 core indices
appear in the second order in two ways.  There is a mean-
field addition to 1e integrals, which is included when you
choose PARMP=3 or -1.  But, there are separate terms from
additional diagrams that are not implemented, so that there
is some imbalance in including the partial 2e correction.
Nevetheless, it may be better to include such "partial"
partial 2e contributions than not to.  Note that at first
order in the energy (the CAS-CI states) the N-electron
terms are treated exactly as specified by OPERAT.
NFFBUF = sets buffer size for form factors in SO-MCQDPT.
         (applies only to OPERAT = HSO1, HSO2 or HSO2P).
         This is a very powerful option that speeds up
         SO-MCQDPT calculations by precomputing the total
         multiplicative factor in front of each diagram so
         that the latter is computed only once (this is in
         fact what happens in MCQDPT).  It is not uncommon
         for this option to speed up calculations by a
         factor of 10.  Since this option forces running
         the SO-CASCI part twice (due to the SO-MCQDPT
         Hamiltonian being non-Hermitian), it is possible
         that in rare cases NFFBUF=0 may perform similarly
         or better.  The upper bound for NFFBUF is NACT**2,
         where NACT=NOCC-NFZC.  Due to the sparseness of
         the coupling constants it is usually sufficient to
         set NFFBUF to 3*NACT.  To use the older way of
         dynamically computing form factors and diagrams on
         the fly, set NFFBUF to 0.  Default: 3*(NOCC-NFZC)
It is advisable to tighten up the convergence criteria in
the $MCQDx groups since SOC is a fairly small effect, and
the spin-free energies should be accurately computed, for
example THRCON=1e-8 THRGEN=1e-10.
PARMP has a rather different meaning for OPERAT=HSO2FF:
It refers to the difference between ket and bra's Ms,
        -1 do matrix elements for ms=-1 only
         0 do matrix elements for ms=0 only
         1 do matrix elements for ms=1 only
        -2 do matrix elements for all ms (0, 1, and -1),
           which is the default.
        -3 calculates form factors so they can be saved
* * * next defines the orbitals and wavefunctions * * *
NUMCI  = For SO-CI, this parameter tells how many CI
         calculations to do, and therefore defines how
         many $DRTx groups will be read in.
         For SO-MCQDPT, this parameter tells how many
         MCQDPT calculations to do, and therefore defines
         how many $MCQDx groups will be read in.
         IROOTS, IVEX, NSTATE, and ENGYST below will all
         have NUMCI values.  NUMCI may not exceed 64.
You may wish to define one $DRTx or $MCQDx group for each
spatial symmetry representation occurring within each spin
multiplicity, as the use of symmetry during these separate
calculations may make the entire job run much faster.
NUMVEC = the meaning is different depending on the run:
      a) spin-orbit CI (SO-CI),
         Gives the number of different MO sets.  This can
         be either 1 or 2, but 2 can be chosen only for
         FORS/CASSCF or FCI wavefunctions.  (default=1)
         If you set NUMVEC=2 and you use symmetry in any
         of the $DRTx groups, you may have to use STSYM
         in the $DRTx groups since the order of orbitals
         from the corresponding orbital transformation
         is unpredictable.
      b) spin-orbit perturbation (SO-MCQDPT),
         The option to have different MOs for different
         states is not implemented, so your job will have
         only one $VEC1 group, and IVEX will not normally
         be input.  The absolute value of NUMVEC should be
         be equal to the value of NUMCI above.  If NUMVEC
         positive, the orbitals in the $VEC1 will be used
         exactly as given, whereas if NUMVEC is a negative
         number, the orbitals will be canonicalized
         according to IFORB in $MCQDx.  Using NUMVEC=-NUMCI
         and IFORB=3 in all $MCQDx to canonicalize over all
         states is recommended.
Note that $GUESS is not read by this RUNTYP!  Orbitals must
be in $VEC1 and possibly $VEC2 input groups.
NFZC   = For SO-CI, this is equal to NFZC in each $DRTx
         group.  When NUMVEC=2, this is also the number of
         identical core orbitals in the two vector sets.
         For SO-MCQDPT, this should be NMOFZC+NMODOC given
         in each of the $MCQDx groups.
         The default is the number of AOs given in $DATA,
         this is not very reasonable.
NOCC   = the number of occupied orbitals.  For SO-CI this
         should be NFZC+NDOC+NALP+NAOS+NBOS+NVAL, but
         add the external orbitals if the CAS-CI states
         are CI-SD or FOCI or SOCI type instead of CAS.
         The default is the number of AOs given in $DATA,
         which is not usually correct.
Note: IROOTS, NSTATE, ENGYST, IVEX contain NUMCI values.
IROOTS = array containing the number of CAS-CI states to
         be used from each CI or MCQDPT calculation.
         The default is 1 for every calculation, which is
         probably not a correct choice for OPERAT=DM runs,
         but is quite reasonable for the HSO operators.
         The total number of states included in the SOC
         Hamiltonian is the summation of the NUMCI values
         of IROOTS times the multiplicity of each CI or
         MCQDPT.  See also ETOL/UPPREN.
NSTATE = array containing the number of CAS-CI states to be
         found by diagonalising the spin-free Hamiltonians.
         Of these, the first IROOTS(i) states will be used
         to find transition moments or SOC.  Obviously,
         enter NSTATE(i) >= IROOTS(i).
         The default for NSTATE(i) is IROOTS(i), but might
         be bigger if you are curious about the additional
         energies, or to help the Davidson diagonalizer.
         NSTATE is ignored by SO-MCQDPT runs, and you must
         ensure that your IROOTS input corresponds to the
         KSTATE option in $MCQDx.
ETOL   = energy tolerance for CI state elimination.
         This applies only to SO-CI and OPERAT=HSO1,2,2P.
         After each CI finds NSTATE(i) CI roots for each
         $DRTx, the number of states kept in the run is
         normally IROOTS(i), but ETOL applies the further
         constraint that the states kept be within ETOL of
         the lowest energy found for any of the $DRTx.
         The default is 100.0 Hartree, so that IROOTS is
         the only limitation.
UPPREN = similar to ETOL, except it is an absolute energy,
         instead of an energy difference.
IVEX   = Array of indices of $VECx groups to be used for
         each CI calculation.  The default for NUMVEC=2 is
         IVEX(1)=1,2,1,1,1,1,1..., and of course for
         NUMVEC=1, it is IVEX(1)=1,1,1,1,1...
         This applies only to CITYP=GUGA jobs.
ENGYST = energy values to replace the spin-free energies.
         This parameter applies to SO-CI only.
         A possible use for this is to use first or second
         order CI energies (FOCI or SOCI in $DRT) on the
         diagonal of the Hamiltonian (obtained in some
         earlier runs) but to use only CAS wavefunctions
         to evaluate off diagonal HSO matrix elements.
         The CAS-CI is still conducted to get CI coefs,
         needed to evaluate the off diagonal elements.
         Enter MXRT*NUMCI values as a square array, by the
         usual FORTRAN convention (that is, MXRT roots of
         $DRT1, MXRT roots of $DRT2 etc), in hartrees, with
         zeros added to fill each column to MXRT values.
         MXRT is the maximum value in the IROOTS array.
         (the default is the computed CAS-CI energies)
         See B.Schimmelpfennig, L.Maron, U.Wahlgren,
         C.Teichteil, H.Fagerli, O.Gropen  Chem.Phys.Lett.
         286, 261-266(1998).
   * * * the next pertain only to spin-orbit runs * * *
ISTNO    if given as positive values:
         an array of one or two state indices which govern
         computation of the density matrix of one state,
         or the transition density of two states.
         if given as negative values:
         one state-averaged density with equal weights.
         ISTNO(1)=5      state-specific density of state 5
         ISTNO(1)=1,2    transition density between 1 and 2
         ISTNO(1)=-1,-6  state-average all states 1 to 6
         The default is ISTNO(1)=0,0 meaning no density.
         Computation of the density gives access to the
         full Gaussian property package, except Mulliken
         populations.  At present, computation of the
         transition density does just that, without any
         oscillator strengths.  If the computation is of
         SO-MCQDPT type, the density or transition density
         that is computed will be that for the unperturbed
         SO-CASCI states.
DEGTOL = array of two tolerances to help define what states
         are considered degenerate.  This is ignored except
         for linear molecules or atoms.  The purpose is to
         decide what states are grouped together during the
         determination of simultaneous eigenstates of the
         spin-orbit Hamiltonian and Jz.  DEGTOL(1) is in
         wavenumbers, and defines which spin-orbit states
         have the same energy.  DEGTOL(2) is in units of
         electrons, and defines which natural orbitals are
         considered to be degenerate.  If the Jz values in
         your run seem incorrect, tighten or relax the two
         degeneracy tolerances to get the correct groupings
         of the states.  Default= 0.02,0.002
RSTATE = sets the zero energy level
         format: ndrt*1000+iroot for adiabatic state (root)
         0000 sets zero energy to the lowest diabatic root
         default: 1001 (1st root in $DRT1 or $MCQD1)
ZEFTYP specifies effective nuclear charges to use.
       = TRUE   uses true nuclear charge of each atom,
                except protons are removed if an ECP basis
                is being used (default).
       = 3-21G  selects values optimized for the 3-21G
                basis, but these are probably appropriate
                for any all electron basis set. Rare gases,
                transition metals, and Z>54 will use the
                true nuclear charges.
       = SBKJC  selects a set obtained for the SBKJC ECP
                basis set, specifically.  It may not be
                sensible to use these for other ECP sets.
                Rare gases, lanthanides, and Z>86 will use
                the true nuclear charges.
ZEFF   = an array of effective nuclear charges, overriding
         the charges chosen in ZEFTYP.
    Note that effective nuclear charges can be used for
    any HSO type OPERAT, but traditionally these are used
    mainly for HSO1 as an empirical correction to the
    omission of the 2e- term, or to compensate for missing
    core orbitals in ECP runs.
ONECNT = uses a one-center approximation for SOC integrals:
       = 0 compute all SOC integrals without approximations
       = 1 compute only one-center 1e and 2e SOC integrals
       = 2 compute all 1e, but only one-center 2e integrals
    Numerical tests indicate the error of the one-center
    approximation (ONECNT=1) is usually on the order of a
    few wavenumbers for Li-Ne (a bit larger for F) and its
    errors appear to become negligible for anything heavier
    than Ne.  ONECNT=1 appears to give a better balanced
    description than ONECNT=2. Very careful users can check
    how well the approximation works for their particular
    system by using ONECNT=0, then ONECNT=1, to compare
    the results.  One important advantage of ONECNT=1/2 is
    that this removes the dependence of SOC 2e integrals
    upon the molecular geometry.  This means the program
    needs to compute SOC 2e integrals only once for a given
    set of atoms and then they can be read by using SOC
    integral restart.  RUNTYP=SURFACE automatically takes
    advantage of this fact.
JZ       controls the calculation of Jz eigenvalues
       = 0 do not perform the calculation
       = 1 do the calculation
         By default, Jz is set to 1 for molecules that are
         recognised as linear (this includes atoms!).
         Jz cannot be computed for nonlinear molecules.
         The matrix of Jz=Lz+Sz operator is constructed
         between spin-mixed states (eigenvalues of Hso).
         Setting Jz to 1 can enforce otherwise avoided (by
         symmetry) calculations of SOC matrix elements.
         JZ applies only to HSO1,2,2P.
TMOMNT = flag to control computation of the transition
         dipole moment between spin-mixed wavefunctions
         (that is, between eigenvectors of the Pauli-Breit
         Hamiltonian).  Applies only to HSO1,2,2P.
         (default is .FALSE.)
SKIPDM = flag to omit(.TRUE.) or include(.FALSE.) dipole
         moment matrix elements during spin-orbit coupling.
         Usually it takes almost no addition effort to
         calculate  excluding some cases when the
         calculation of forbidden by symmetry spin-orbit
         coupling matrix elements  may have to be
         performed since  and  are computed
         simultaneously.  Applies only to HSO1,2,2P.
         Since the lack of a MCQDPT density matrix means
         there are no MCQDPT dipole moments at present,
         SO-MCQDPT jobs will compute the dipole matrix
         elements for the CAS-CI states only.  However,
         the dipole moments in the spin-mixed states will
         be computed with the MCQDPT mixing coefficients.
         (default is .TRUE.)
IPRHSO = controls output style for matrix elements (HSO*)
       =-1 do not output individual matrix elements
       otherwise these are accumulative:
       = 0 term-symbol like kind of labelling:
           labels contain full symmetry info (default)
       = 1 all states are numbered consequently within each
           spin multiplicity (ye olde style)
       = 2 output only nonzero (>=1e-4) matrix elements
PRTPRM = flag to provide detailed information about the
         composition of the spin-mixed states in terms of
         adiabatic states. This flag also provides similar
         information about Jz (if JZ set).
         (default is .FALSE.)
LVAL  =  additional angular momentum symmetry values:
         For the case of running an atom:
         LVAL is an array of the L values (L**2 = L(L+1))
         for each $MCQDx/$DRTx (L=0 is S, 1 is P, etc.)
         For the case of running a linear molecule:
         LVAL is an array that gives the |Lz| values.  Note
         that real-valued wavefunctions (e.g. Pi-x, Pi-y)
         have Lz and -Lz components mixed, so you should
         input |Lz| as 1 and 1 for both Pi-x and Pi-y.
         This parameter should not be given for a nonlinear
         polyatomic system.
         Default: all set to -1 (that is, do not use these
         additional symmetry labels.  It is the user's
         responsibility to ensure the values' correctness.
         Note that for SO-MCQDPT useful options in $MCQDPT
         are NDIAOP and KSTATE.  They enable efficient
         separation of atomic/linear symmetry irreps).
         It is acceptable to set only some values and leave
         others as -1, if only some groups have definite
         values.  Note that normally Lz values are printed
         at the end of the log file, so its easy to double
         check the initial values for LVAL.  For the case
         of atoms LVAL drastically reduces the CPU time, as
         it reduces a square matrix to tridiagonal form.
         For the case of linear molecules the savings at
         the spin-orbit level are somewhat less, but they
         are usually quite significant at the preceding
         spin-free MCQDPT step.
MCP2E  = Model Core Potential SOC 2e contributions.
         Note that MCP 1e contributions are handled as in
         case of all-electron runs because MCP orbitals
         contain all proper nodes).
       = 0 do not add the MCP 2e core-active contribution,
           but add any other 2e- terms asked for by OPERAT.
       = 1 add this contribution, but no other 2e SOC term.
           This is recommended, and the default.
       = 2 add this contribution and the 2e- contributions
           requested by OPERAT, for any e- which are being
           treated by quantum mechanics (not MCP cores).
         Note that for MCP2E=0 and 2, HSO2, HSO1, HSO2P
         values of OPERAT are supported for the explicit
         2e- contributions.  The recommended approach is to
         assume that MCP alone can capture all the 2e SOC,
         for this use MCP2E=1 OPERAT=HSO2P.  The entire 2e-
         contribution is achieved with MCP2E=2 OPERAT=HSO2.
         If your MCP leaves out many core electrons as
         particles, MCP2E=2 OPERAT=HSO2P can be tested to
         see if it adds a sizable amount to SOC, compared
         to MCP2E=1 OPERAT=HSO2P).
         MCP2E=2 OPERAT=HSO1 is an illegal combination.
         MCP2E=1 OPERAT=HSO1 is illogical since the MCP 2e
         integrals are computed but not used anywhere.
         The following table explains MCP2E and gives all
         useful combinations:
         MCP2E/OPERAT  2e SOC contributions     SOC 2e ints
           2 HSO2   MCPcore-CIact + CIcore-CIact  MCP+basis
                                  + CIact-CIact
           2 HSO2P  MCPcore-CIact + CIcore-CIact  MCP+basis
           1 HSO2P  MCPcore-CIact                 MCP
         using the following orbital space definitions:
           MCPcore orbitals whose e- are replaced by MCP
           CIcore  always doubly occupied
           CIact   MOs allowed to have variable occupation
     * * * expert mode HSO control options * * *
MODPAR =    parallel options, which are independent bit
            options, 0=off, 1=on.  Bit 1 refers only to
            HSO2FF, bit 2 to HSO1,2,2P.  Enter a decimal
            value 0, 1, 2, 3 meaning binary 00, 01, 10, 11.
 bit 1 = 0/1 (HSO2FF) uses static/dynamic load balancing in
            parallel if available, otherwise use static
            load balancing.  Dynamic algorithm is usually
            faster but may utilize memory less efficiently,
            and I/O can slow it down.  Also, dynamical
            algorithm forces SAVDSK=.F. since its
            unique distribution of FFs among nodes implies
            no savings from precalculating form factors.
 bit 2 = 0/1 (HSO1,2,2P) duplicate/distribute SOC integrals
            in parallel.  If set, 2e AO integrals and the
            four-index transformation are divided over
            nodes (distributed), and SOC MO integrals are
            then summed over nodes.
 The default is 3, meaning both bits are set on (11)
PHYSRC = flag to force the size of the physical record to
         be equal to the size of the sorting buffers.
         This option can have a dramatic effect on the
         efficiency.  Usually, setting PHYSRC=.TRUE. helps
         if the code complains that low memory enforces
         SLOWFF=.TRUE., or you set it yourself. For large
         active spaces and large memory (more precisely, if
         RECLEN is larger than the physical record size)
         PHYSRC=.TRUE. can slow the code down.  Setting
         PHYSRC to .true. forces SLOWFF to be .false.
         See MODPAR. (default .FALSE.) (only with HSO2FF)
RECLEN = specifies the size of the record on file 40,
         where form factors are stored. This parameter
         significantly affects performance.
         If not specified, RECLEN have to be guessed,
         and the guess will usually be either an
         overestimate or underestimate. If the former
         you waste disk space, if the latter the program
         aborts. Note that RECLEN will be different for
         each pair of multiplicities and you must specify
         the maximum for all pairs.  The meaning of this
         number is how many non-zero form factors are
         present given four MO indices.  You can decrease
         RECLEN if you are getting a message "predicted
         sorting buffer length is greater than needed..."
         Default depends on active space. (only HSO2FF)
SAVDSK = flag to repeat the form factor calculation twice.
         This avoids wasting disk space as the actually
         required record size is found during the 1st run.
         (default=.FALSE.) (only with HSO2FF)
SLOWFF = flag to choose a slower FF write-out method.
         By default .FALSE., but this is turned on if:
         1) not enough memory for the fast way is available
         2) the maximum usable memory is available, as when
            the buffer is as large as the maximum needed,
            then the "slow FF" algorythm is faster.
         Generally SLOWFF=.true. saves up to 50% or so of
         disk space.  See PHYSRC.  (only with HSO2FF)
ACTION          controls disk file DAFL30 reuse.
       = NORMAL calculate the form factors in this run.
       = SAVE   calculate, and store the form factors on
                disk for future runs with the same active
                space characteristics.
       = READ   read the form factors from disk from an
                earlier run which used SAVE.
         (default=NORMAL) (only with HSO2FF)
         Note that currently in order to use ACTION =
         SAVE or READ you should specify MS= -1, 0, or 1
        * * * some control tolerances * * *
NOSYM= -1 forces use of symmetry-contaminated orbitals
          symmetry analysis, otherwise the same as NOSYM=0
     =  0 fully use symmetry
     =  1 do not use point group symmetry, but still use
          other symmetries (Hermiticity, spin).
     =  2 use no symmetry.   Also, include all CSFs for
          HSO1, 2, 2P.
     =  3 force the code to assume the symmetry specified
          in $DATA is the same as in all $DRTx groups, but
          is otherwise identical to NOSYM=-1.  This option
          saves CPU time and money(memory).  Since the $DRT
          works by mapping non-Abelian groups into their
          highest Abelian subgroup, do not use NOSYM=3 for
          non-Abelian groups.
SYMTOL = relative error for the matrix elements.  This
         parameter has a great impact upon CPU time, and
         the default has been chosen to obtain nearly
         full accuracy while still getting good speedups.
* * * the remaining parameters are not so important * * *
PRTCMO = flag to control printout of the corresponding
         orbitals.  (default is .FALSE.)
HSOTOL = HSO matrix elements are considered zero if they
         are smaller than HSOTOL.  This parameter is used
         only for print-out and statistics.
         (default=1.0E-1 cm-1)
TOLZ   = MO coefficient zero tolerance (as for $GUESS).
TOLE   = MO coefficient equating tolerance (as for
         $GUESS).  (default=1.0E-5)
        * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
         For information on RUNTYP=TRANSITN,
        see the 'further information' section
        * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
587 lines are written.
Edited by Shiro KOSEKI on Thu Mar 5 10:25:38 2020.