$NEB group (relevant for RUNTYP=NEBPATH)
Find a reaction path for specific reactant and product. Multiple transition sta
The coordinates of the reactant are given by $DATA.
The coordinates of the product should be given by $DATAPD.
The atom order should be same in both reactant and product.
The product should be aligned as close to the reactant as possible. Otherwise, s
The molecular orientation is very important to obtain a reasonable reaction path
Basically, molecular symmetry cannot be used. However, if a reaction path has sy
MAXCYC is set to 500 as a default, but, generally speaking, the convergence is c
Caution: keywords can have only 6 characters.
NBEADS = number of beads along the NEB path (default=15, maximum number of beads
untcrd = unit for the coorindates given in $DATAPD and $DATAVI group
= angs (default)
= bohr
MAXCYC = maximum number of cycles for geometry optimization along the path perpe
= 500 (default)
OPTTOL = tolerance for the gradient RMS perpendicular to the reaction path (unit
= 0.001D+00 (default)
QUCKDT = distance displaced from each bead along the path perpendicular to the r
= 0.2D+00 (default)
SPFORC = force constant for a spring between two adjacent beads (unit=hartree/bo
= 0.5D+00 (default)
VIAPNT = a via-point structure along the reaction path. The coordinates are giv
= .false. (default=)
RESTRT = restart option. See $BEADSX
= .false. (default)
iSTART = number of cycles in the previous calculation (default=0)
= 0 (default)
OPTMZR = method of a geometrical structure at each bead
= quick-min (default)
$DATAPD = the coordinates of the product
= atom name, atomic number, x-coordinate, y-coordinate, z-coordinate
There should be an entry for all atoms, even if a molecular symmetry exists.
$DATAVI = the coordinates of the via-point structure (optional)
= atom name, atomic number, x-coordinate, y-coordinate, z-coordinate
There should be an entry for all atoms, even if a molecular symmetry exists.
For tests examples please see $GMS_DIR/tests/neb
62 lines are written.
Edited by Shiro KOSEKI on Thu Mar 5 10:25:38 2020.