$MGC group          (note: requires RUNTYP=GRADIENT)
This group requests the Mean Gradient Charge calculation.
You can calculate MGC charges or pointwise gradient
MGCHRG             specifies the MGC calculation.
                   You can specify .TRUE. to activate
                   MGC routine. Default is .FALSE.
NPOINT             specifies pointwise Gradient Charge
                   calculations. If NPOINT.gt.0, then
                   pointwise Gradient Charges will be
                   calculated rather than MGC. Default
                   is 0. If NPOINT.gt.0, user should
                   provide the corresponding positions
                   of unit probe using CP.
CP                 specifies the positions of unit
                   probe. So CP is an array of positions.
MGC does not support molecular symmetry, so use NOSYM=1 in
$CONTRL to turn symmetry off.
See: C. H. Choi, Chem.Phys.Lett. 524, 107-111 (2012).
32 lines are written.
Edited by Shiro KOSEKI on Thu Mar 5 10:25:38 2020.