$GAMMA group                  required if RUNTYP=GAMMA
This group governs evaluation of the 3rd derivative of the
energy with respect to nuclear coordinates, by finite
differentiation of Hessians (see $FORCE options).
NFCM  = n describes the amount of restart data provided.
          The default is n=-1, to evaluate everything.
          A value of n means that n+1 $FCM groups are to
          be read from the file (hessian #0 means the
          equilibrium geometry).  Restart data is read from
          a .gamma file, created by an earlier run.
DELTA = step size, default=0.01 Bohr
PRTALL = flag to print full Hessian and Gamma matrix,
         the default is .FALSE.
PRTSYM = flag to print unsymmetrical Gamma elements,
         the default is .FALSE.
PRTBIG = flag to print large Gamma elements, default = .F.
23 lines are written.
Edited by Shiro KOSEKI on Thu Mar 5 10:25:38 2020.