$BASIS group          (optional)
    This group allows certain standard basis sets to be
easily requested.  Basis sets are specified by:
a) GBASIS plus optional supplementations such as NDFUNC,
b) BASNAM to read custom basis sets from your input,
c) EXTFIL to read custom bases from an external file,
d) or omit this group entirely, and give the basis set in
   the $DATA input, which is completely general.
GBASIS requests various Gaussian basis sets.  These include
options for effective core and model core potentials.
Rather oddly, GBASIS also can select semi-empirical models,
and in that case requests the Slater-type orbitals for the
MOPAC-type calculation.
Note: The first two groups of GBASIS keywords below (except
G3L and G3LX) define only the basic functions, without any
polarization functions and/or diffuse functions.  For
example, main group elements have the basic functions for
their s,p valence orbitals.  Polarization and/or diffuse
supplements are added separately to these GBASIS values,
SPLIT2, and SPLIT3, which are defined at the end of this
input group.
GBASIS = STO  - Pople's STO-NG minimal basis set.
                Available H-Xe, for NGAUSS=2,3,4,5,6.
       = N21  - Pople's N-21G split valence basis set.
                Available H-Xe, for NGAUSS=3.
                Available H-Ar, for NGAUSS=6.
       = N31  - Pople's N-31G split valence basis set.
                Available H-Ne,P-Cl for NGAUSS=4.
                Available H-He,C-F for NGAUSS=5.
                Available H-Kr, for NGAUSS=6, note that the
                  bases for K,Ca,Ga-Kr were changed 9/2006.
       = N311 - Pople's "triple split" N-311G basis set.
                Available H-Ne, for NGAUSS=6.
                Selecting N311 implies MC for Na-Ar.
       = G3L  - Pople's G3MP2Large basis set, for H-Kr.
       = G3LX - Pople's G3MP2LargeXP basis set, for H-Kr.
NGAUSS = the number of Gaussians (N).   This parameter
         pertains to GBASIS=STO, N21, N31, or N311.
GBASIS = MINI - Huzinaga's 3 gaussian minimal basis set.
                Available H-Rn.
       = MIDI - Huzinaga's 21 split valence basis set.
                Available H-Rn.
       = DZV  - "double zeta valence" basis set.
                a synonym for DH for H,Li,Be-Ne,Al-Cl.
                (14s,9p,3d)/[5s,3p,1d] for K-Ca.
                (14s,11p,5d/[6s,4p,1d] for Ga-Kr.
       = DH   - Dunning/Hay "double zeta" basis set.
                (3s)/[2s] for H.
                (9s,4p)/[3s,2p] for Li.
                (9s,5p)/[3s,2p] for Be-Ne.
                (11s,7p)/[6s,4p] for Al-Cl.
       = TZV  - "triple zeta valence" basis set.
                (5s)/[3s] for H.
                (10s,3p)/[4s,3p] for Li.
                (10s,6p)/[5s,3p] for Be-Ne.
                a synonym for MC for Na-Ar.
                (14s,9p)/[8s,4p] for K-Ca.
                (14s,11p,6d)/[10s,8p,3d] for Sc-Zn.
       = MC   - McLean/Chandler "triple split" basis.
                (12s,9p)/[6s,5p] for Na-Ar.
                Selecting MC implies 6-311G for H-Ne.
       = MINIX  The minimal basis set for HF-3C, but no
                energy corrections added.
       = HF-3C  The minimal basis set MINIX and three
                add-on energy corrections (3c). These
                three corrections are D3(BJ), GCP and SRB.
                See $DFT's dispersion corrections.
* * systematic basis set families * * *
These four families provide a hierachy of basis sets
approaching the complete basis set limits.  These families
include relevant polarization and diffuse augmentations, as
indicated in their names.
GBASIS = CCn  - Dunning-type Correlation Consistent basis
                sets, officially called cc-pVnZ.
                Use n = D,T,Q,5,6 to indicate the level of
                Available for H-He, Li-Ne, Na-Ar, Ca, Ga-Kr
                and for Sc-Zn for n=T,Q.
       = ACCn - As CCn, but augmented with a set of diffuse
                functions, e.g. aug-cc-pVnZ.
                Availability is the same as CCn.
       = CCnC - As CCn, but augmented with tight functions
                for recovering core and core-valence
                correlation, e.g. cc-pCVnZ.
                            Available H-Ar for n=D,T,Q, also n=5 for H-Ne.
       = ACCnC- As CCn, augmented with diffuse as well as
                CCnC's tight functions, e.g. aug-cc-pCVnZ.
                Availability is the same as CCnC.
       = CCnWC  the omega form of CCnC, e.g. cc-pwCVnZ, for
                H-Ar, for n=T only.  CCnWC's tight
                functions are considered superior to CCnC's
                for recovery of core/valence correlation.
       = ACCnWC augmented form of CCnWC: aug-cc-pwCVnZ.
                        See extended notes below!
       = PCseg-n -  Polarization Consistent basis sets.
                    n = 0,1,2,3,4 indicates the level of
                    polarization. (n=0 is unpolarized, n=1
                    is ~DZP, n=2 is ~TZ2P, etc.). These
                    provide a hierarchy of basis sets
                    suitable for DFT and HF calculations.
                    Available for H-Kr.
       = APCseg-n - These are the PCseg-n bases, with
                    diffuse augmentation.
                        See extended notes below!
                       Sapporo valence basis sets:
       = SPK-nZP  - Sapporo family of non-relativistic
                    bases, n=D,T,Q, available H-Xe
       = SPK-AnZP - diffuse augmentation of the above.
       = SPKrnZP  - Sapporo family of relativistic bases
                    n=D,T,Q, available H-Xe.  These should
                    be used only with a relativistic
                    transformation of the integrals, such
                    as RELWFN=LUT-IOTC.
       = SPKrAnZP - diffuse augmentation of the above.
                       See extended notes below!
                       Sapporo core/valence basis sets:
       = SPK-nZC  - Sapporo family of non-relativistic
                    bases, n=D,T,Q, available H-Xe
       = SPK-nZCD - diffuse augmentation of the above.
       = SPKrnZC  - Sapporo family of relativistic bases
                    n=D,T,Q, available H-Rn.
                    To be used only with a relativistic
                    transformation of the integrals, such
                    as RELWFN=LUT-IOTC.
       = SPKrnZCD - diffuse augmentation of the above.
                        See extended notes below!
       = KTZV - Karlsruhe valence triple zeta basis, as
                developed by Prof.Ahlrichs, see REFS.DOC.
       = KTZVP- Karlsruhe valence triple zeta basis with a
                set of single polarization (P).
       = KTZVPP-Karlsruhe valence triple zeta basis with a
                set of double polarization (PP).
                The Karlsruhe sets are provided for H-Ar.
Normally these families are used as spherical harmonics,
see ISPHER=1 in $CONTRL.  Failure to set ISPHER=1 will
result in discrepancies in energy values compared to the
literature or other programs, difficulties in converging
SCF/DFT, CC, CI, and/or response equation iterations, and
longer run times due to retention of unimportant MOs.  The
calculations will refuse to run without ISPHER being set.
Important note about the PCseg basis set family:
1. These should be used only in spherical harmonic form.
2. The PCn basis sets included in GAMESS versions prior to
March 2014 were generally contracted, but were replaced by
computationally more efficient segmented contractions, and
renamed to PCseg-n. The segemented contractions have the
same or slightly better accuracy (especially for n=0) as
the original PCn bases, which are no longer available.
Important notes about the CC basis set family:
1. These should be used only in spherical harmonic form.
2. The CC5 and CC6 basis sets (and corresponding augmented
versions) contain h-functions, and CC6 also contains i-
functions.  As of January 2013, GAMESS integral code can
correctly use h & i functions, so these three call up the
true basis sets.  Prior to January 2013, GAMESS' integral
codes was restricted to g-functions, so these three
truncated away any h & i functions, to spdfg subsets, and
therefore were not the true basis sets.
3. Note that the CC basis sets are generally contracted,
which GAMESS can only handle by replicating the primitive
basis functions, leading to a less than optimum performance
in AO integral evaluation.
4. The implementation of the cc-pVnZ and cc-pCVnZ basis
sets for Na-Ar include one additional tight d-function,
producing the so-called cc-pV(n+d)Z and cc-pV(n+d)Z sets,
which are known to improve results (see J.Chem.Phys. 114,
9244(2001) and Theoret.Chem.Acc. 120, 119(2008)).  These
tight d versions are invoked by GBASIS=CCn or CCnC (and
also their augmented counterparts ACCn or ACC).  This means
the old (and less accurate) basis sets without the tight
d's are not available for Na-Ar.
5. Alkali and alkali earth basis sets (Li,Be,Na,Mg) were
changed April 2013 so that regular, diffuse, tight d (for
Na/Mg), core/valence, and weighted core/valence sets agree
with their official publication: Theor. Chem. Acc. 128,
6. In case you are interested in scalar relativistic
effects, the CCT-DK and CCQ-DK sets optimized for use with
Douglas/Kroll are available for Sc-Kr.  These will be used
if you type GBASIS=CCT or CCQ along with RELWFN=RESC, DK,
IOTC, or LUT-IOTC, while using NR sets for elements lighter
than Sc.  DK versions of ACCD or ACCT are available for Sc-
Zn (but not for the rest of the row, Ga-Kr).
Notes about the Sapporo basis set family:
1. SPK is the international airport city code for Sapporo.
2. These should be used only in spherical harmonic form.
3. The relativistic core/valence sets are available for all
atoms including the 6th row of the periodic table (H-Rn).
4. It is extremely illogical to use any of the all-electron
relativistic bases without turning on scalar relativity!
5. The core/valence basis sets treat (n-1)s,(n-1)p,ns for
s-block elements; (n-1)s,(n-1)p,ns,np for p block elements;
(n-1)s,(n-1)p,(n-1)d,ns for d block elements, and the 4s-
4f,5s-5d,6s for f block (lanthanides).  This suggests you
should change the default number of core orbitals, such as
NACORE in $MP2 or NCORE in $CCINP, to correlate the
indicated semi-core orbitals (this is not automatic).
6. The relativistic sets ("r") are identical to the non-
relativistic choices ("-") for atoms H-Ar, where scalar
relativity has almost no effect on orbital shapes.
7. The relativistic bases were optimized at the 3rd order
of the Douglas-Kroll transformation, with a Gaussian nuclei
model.  It should be fine to use them with any RESC, DK,
IOTC, or LUT-IOTC calculation.
8. Because they are stored in an external file supplied
with GAMESS, these can only be accessed via GBASIS in this
group, not by using them in-line in $DATA.
9. The SPK basis sets were extracted from the data base of
Segmented Gaussian Basis Sets, maintained by Takeshi Noro,
University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan:
The mapping between the data base names and the keywords
used in GAMESS is (for n=D,T,Q):
          data base name               keyword
        Sapporo-nZP                    SPK-nZP
        Sapporo-nZP+diffuse            SPK-AnZP
        Sapporo-DK-nZP                 SPKrnZP
        Sapporo-DK-nZP+diffuse         SPKrAnZP
        Sapporo-nZP-2012               SPK-nZC
        Sapporo-nZP-2012+diffuse       SPK-nZCD
        Sapporo-DK-nZP-2012            SPKrnZC
        Sapporo-DK-nZP-2012+diffuse    SPKrnZCD
     * * * Effective Core Potential (ECP) bases * * *
GBASIS = SBKJC- Stevens/Basch/Krauss/Jasien/Cundari
                valence basis set, for Li-Rn.  This choice
                implies an unscaled -31G basis for H-He.
       = HW   - Hay/Wadt valence basis.
                This is a -21 split, available Na-Xe,
                except for the transition metals.
                This implies a 3-21G basis for H-Ne.
        * * * Model Core Potential (MCP) bases * * *
Notes: Select PP=MCP in $CONTRL to automatically use the
model core potential matching your basis choice below.
References for these bases, and other information about
MCPs can be found in the REFS.DOC chapter.  Another family
covering almost all elements is available in $DATA only.
         a family of double, triple, and quadruple zeta
         quality valence basis sets, which are akin to the
         correlation consistent sets, in that these include
         increasing levels of polarization (and so do not
         require "supplements" like NDFUNC or DIFFSP) and
         must be used as spherical harmonics (see ISPHER).
         MCP-DZP:          56 elements Z=3-88,
                           except V-Zn, Y-Cd, La, Hf-Hg
         MCP-TZP, MCP-QZP: 85 elements Z=3-88, except La
         The basis sets for hydrogen atoms will be the
         corresponding Dunning's cc-pVNZ (N=D,T,Q).
       = MCP-ATZP, MCP-AQZP -
         MCP-TZP and MCP-QZP core potentials whose
         basis sets were augmented with diffuse functions
         Availability: same as for MCP-TZP, MCP-QZP
         based on MCP-DZP, MCP-TZP, MCP-QZP,
         with core-valence functions provided for the
         alkali and alkaline earth atoms Na through Ra.
         based on MCPCDZP, MCPCTZP, MCPCQZP,
         with core-valence functions provided for the
         alkali and alkaline earth atoms Na through Ra, and
         augmented with diffuse functions.
The basis sets were extracted from the data base Segmented
Gaussian Basis Sets, maintained by Takeshi Noro, Quantum
Chemistry Group, Sapporo, Japan:
The mapping between the data base names and the names used
in GAMESS is
         data base name            GAMESS keyword
         MCP/NOSeC-V-DZP             MCP-DZP
         MCP/NOSeC-V-TZP             MCP-TZP
         MCP/NOSeC-V-QZP             MCP-QZP
         MCP/NOSeC-V-TZP+diffuse     MCP-ATZP
         MCP/NOSeC-V-QZP+diffuse     MCP-AQZP
         MCP/NOSeC-CV-DZP            MCPCDZP
         MCP/NOSeC-CV-TZP            MCPCTZP
         MCP/NOSeC-CV-QZP            MCPCQZP
         MCP/NOSeC-CV-DZP+diffuse    MCPACDZP
         MCP/NOSeC-CV-TZP+diffuse    MCPACTZP
         MCP/NOSeC-CV-QZP+diffuse    MCPACQZP
         valence basis sets to be used with the improved
         MCPs with scalar relativistic effects.
         These are available for transition metals except
         La, and the main group elements B-Ne, P-Ar, Ge,
         Kr, Sb, Xe, Rn.
         The 1 and 2 refer to addition of first and second
         polarization shells, so again don't use any of the
         "supplements" and do use spherical harmonics.
       = IMCP-NR1 and IMCP-NR2 -
         closely related valence basis sets, but with
         nonrelativistic model core potentials.
         ZFK3LDK3, ZFK4LDK3, ZFK5LDK3
These are a family of model core potential basis sets
developed by Zeng/Fedorov/Klobukowski, for the p-block
elements from 2p to 6p.  The potentials were paramaterized
taking into account both DK3 scalar relativistic and DK-SOC
effects.  The fundamental basis functions are from the
Well-Tempered Basis Sets.  The number after ZFK indicates
the augmentation levels, e.g. ZFK3 means the diffuse
functions from aug-cc-pVTZ are added, ZFK4 means from aug-
cc-pVQZ, etc.  The difference between ZFKn-DK3 and ZFKnLDK3
is that the common s and p exponents have been contracted
as a single L-shell for the outermost s and p valence
shells to save time in the "L" case.  The s-block elements
from 1s to 4s have also been put in the library.  For H/He,
all-electron aug-cc-pVnZ basis sets are used.  For Li/Be,
the relativistically contracted atomic natural orbital all-
electron basis sets (ANO-RCC) are used.  For Na/Mg, and
K/Ca, unpublished MCP and basis sets based on ANO-RCC are
available, although the potentials have not been
extensively tested yet.  No d-block elements can be used.
        * * * semiempirical basis sets * * *
GBASIS = MNDO - selects MNDO model Hamiltonian
       = AM1  - selects AM1 model Hamiltonian
       = PM3  - selects PM3 model Hamiltonian
       = RM1  - selects RM1 model Hamiltonian
       = DFTB - selects tight binding Hamiltonian
Note: The elements for which these exist can be found in
the 'further information' section of this manual.  If you
pick one of these, all other data in this group is ignored.
Semi-empirical runs actually use valence-only Slater type
orbitals (STOs), not Gaussian GTOs, but the keyword remains
Except for NGAUSS, all other keywords such as NDFUNC, etc.
will be ignored for these.  If you add NGAUSS, STO-NG
expansions of the valence STO functions in terms of
Gaussians will be added to the log file.  Plotting programs
such as MacMolPlt can pick up this approximation to the
STOs used up from the ouput, in order to draw the orbitals.
The default NGAUSS=0 suppresses this output, but values up
to 6 may be given to control the accuracy of the STO-NG
            --- supplementary functions ---
NDFUNC = number of heavy atom polarization functions to
         be used.  These are usually d functions, except
         for MINI/MIDI.  The term "heavy" means Na on up
         when GBASIS=STO, HW, or N21, and from Li on up
         otherwise.  The value may not exceed 3.  The
         variable POLAR selects the actual exponents to
         be used, see also SPLIT2 and SPLIT3. (default=0)
NFFUNC = number of heavy atom f type polarization
         functions to be used on Li-Cl.  This may only
         be input as 0 or 1.  (default=0)
NPFUNC = number of light atom, p type polarization
         functions to be used on H-He.  This may not
         exceed 3, see also POLAR.  (default=0)
DIFFSP = flag to add diffuse sp (L) shell to heavy atoms.
         Heavy means Li-F, Na-Cl, Ga-Br, In-I, Tl-At.
         The default is .FALSE.
DIFFS  = flag to add diffuse s shell to hydrogens.
         The default is .FALSE.
Warning: if you use diffuse functions, please read QMTTOL
in the $CONTRL input group for numerical concerns.
POLAR  = exponent of polarization functions
       = COMMON    (default for GBASIS=STO,N21,HW,SBKJC)
       = POPN31    (default for GBASIS=N31)
       = POPN311   (default for GBASIS=N311, MC)
       = DUNNING   (default for GBASIS=DH, DZV)
       = HUZINAGA  (default for GBASIS=MINI, MIDI)
       = HONDO7    (default for GBASIS=TZV)
SPLIT2 = an array of splitting factors used when NDFUNC
         or NPFUNC is 2.  Default=2.0,0.5
SPLIT3 = an array of splitting factors used when NDFUNC
         or NPFUNC is 3.  Default=4.00,1.00,0.25
The splitting factors are from the Pople school, and are
probably too far apart.  See for example the Binning and
Curtiss paper.  For example, the SPLIT2 value will usually
cause an INCREASE over the 1d energy at the HF level for
The actual exponents used for polarization functions, as
well as for diffuse sp or s shells, are described in the
'Further References' section of this manual.  This section
also describes the sp part of the basis set chosen by
GBASIS fully, with all references cited.
Note that GAMESS always punches a full $DATA input group.
Thus, if $BASIS does not quite cover the basis you want,
you can obtain this full $DATA from EXETYP=CHECK, and then
change polarization exponents, add Rydbergs, etc.
                       * * *
This may only be used with COORD=UNIQUE or HINT!
BASNAM = an array of names of customized basis set input
         groups.  BASNAM should obey the rule of no more
         than six characters starting with a letter names,
         and must avoid using any GBASIS string.
         However, the individual basis inputs can use any
         of the GBASIS sets by its standard name.
         Basis supplementations such as DIFFS or NDFUNC may
         only be given by explicit numerical values.
This is best explained by an example where a core potential
and valence-only basis set is used on a transition metal,
but not its ligands:
 $contrl scftyp=rohf icharg=+3 mult=4 runtyp=gradient
         pp=read ispher=1 $end
 $system mwords=1 $end
 $guess  guess=huckel $end
 $basis  basnam(1)=metal,  ligO,ligO,ligO,ligO,ligO,ligO,
                   ligH,ligH,ligH,ligH,ligH,ligH $end
Cr+3(H2O)6 complex...SBKJC & 6-31G(d) geometry
CHROMIUM   24.0    .0000000000  .0   .0000000000
OXYGEN      8.0    .0000000000  .0  2.0398916104
HYDROGEN    1.0    .7757887450  .0  2.6122732372
!       core potential basis for Chromium
!       normal 6-31G(d) for oxygen ligands
n31 6
d 1 ; 1 0.8 1.0
!       unpolarized basis for hydrogens
n31 6
Cr-ecp SBKJC
O-ecp none
   ...snipped...   there must be 6 O's given here
O-ecp none
H-ecp none
   ...snipped...   there must be 12 H's given here
H-ecp none
                       * * *
EXTFIL = a flag to read basis sets from an external file,
         defined by EXTBAS, rather than from $DATA.
It may be easier to use BASNAM to create custom basis sets!
BASNAM has the bonus that your input file contains all
information about the calculation, explicitly.
Except for MCP basis sets, no external file is provided
with GAMESS, thus you must create your own.  The GBASIS
keyword must give an 8 or less character string, obviously
not using any internally stored names.  Every atom must be
defined in the external file by a line giving the chemical
symbol, and this chosen string. Following this header line,
give the basis in free format $DATA style, containing only
S, P, D, F, G, and L shells, and terminating each atom by
the usual blank line.  The external file may have several
families of bases in the same file, identified by different
GBASIS strings.
531 lines are written.
Edited by Shiro KOSEKI on Thu Mar 5 10:25:38 2020.